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פרופ' יהודית נירן פריגשי

"נפילת בית אשר" כפואמה בפרוזה: פו, דביוסי וברטוק
The lecture will argue that descriptions of the environment in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1839) are not merely in order to create an atmosphere for the plot. It is the other way around: the plot is secondary. The “atmosphere” is the central topic and it is expressed in the form of a continuous prose poem throughout the text. This "atmosphere" is actually a primeval human situation basic to world mythology and to what Jung termed the “collective subconscious”. The exploration of this situation of the collective subconscious in Poe’s work will be compared to its explorations in Claude Debussy’s Pellésas et Mélisande (opera, 1893-5; 1898, 1900-1902, based on text by Maurice Maeterlinck,) and Béla Bartók’s Duke Bluebeard’s Castle (Op. 11, 1911, 1916-7, text by Béla Balázs).
פרופ' יהודית נירן פריגשי היא מוסיקולוגית, אתנומוסיקולוגית, מורה ומשוררת. 

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